Tuesday, March 27, 2012

a Quick Recap

Hello again my fellow Junkies. I've been gone so long, I figured some catch-up was in order. The last year was a huge year for me. I moved from the remote edge of the East Bay to San Francisco proper, worked to find myself as an artist and as a person. Come the start of this year the house I was renting was foreclosed, I took a trip to LA, and was forced to move out. For now the East Bay is home again, but who knows for how long.

Which brings me to the new project, my new print store-

Art Prints

Some of the images shown here are now for sale. There's plenty of other gems over there that you haven't seen here as well. Go take a peek, buy something if it strikes your fancy.


And of course, I wouldn't leave you without some new photos. Here's a small collection of shots that have been collected over the last year. A lot of them are cell phone snaps, so do forgive their quality.




Sign of the times






Picture 003


Alright, that's it for me today. I'll be back soon. Until then, see ya on the road.

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