Friday, December 4, 2009

My Plight

Hello Interweb. Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Gunz, and I'm a photo junkie.

In just 11 days I'll be setting off on my own as my current full time employer will be giving me (and several others) the axe. Most people have expressed their condolences for this, but really it's all for the best. Not only will I now have the time I need to devote to Photography, I'll also have the time to explore all sorts of new places, and take photos of them. This blog is will be devoted to those adventures, and the photos I find during them. Many stories and adventures await, so settle down and enjoy them with me.

The Start of the adventure will be 12/15. Stay tuned...



  1. Fabulous and congratulations. I'm very much looking forward to reading of your adventure.
    Safe journey.............

